Grappling Hook Concept Art

maxresdefault huskc da78f3c522b40d66b7c9cd8408fb26a5--cyberpunk-gun-concept-weapons Grappling hook concept

For this shot, I wanted to create an object track and decided that I wanted it wrist mounted. I started by looking at other wrist-mounted weaponry and utilities and decided to go with a wrist-mounted grappling hook. During my designs, I thought about the process of the track itself and what I would need to be aware of when adding the 3d model to the track. The main worry I had was having the hand visible and needing to clean up the shot with roto and potential painting over my tracking markers so I decided to keep the hand enclosed within the device.

The rest of the design focused on making the grappling hook look like it could work, with the controls being within the hand section and the grappling hook itself being bolted on tight to the wrist mount.

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