Location Scouting

I took a day trip around Lincoln to scout some potential locations for footage to use. With all of these images I will take one to use for concept art for my designs.

Railway Bridge next to Lincoln Bowl.

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Railway Bridge Locations

This location is a small tunnel under a railway line, the location is easy to get to with very little risk to myself other than potential tripping hazards. The debris and contrasting brick work should allow for reliable tracking markers. If I were to film here I would need to go when the sun is just about the highest in the sky to allow for some light to spill into the tunnel, as visible from the images the sun was low enough to cause a white out on my phone which may also occur on the camera I use too. Shadows from walking with the camera can also be spotted. Due to the lighting difference exposure to a white outside will allow me to completely replace the background just by keying out the white.

Just outside the abandoned industrial yard on Firth Road.

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I intended to use this location last year, however the camera I had brought did not work with the equipment I had so produced unusable footage due to the level of blur an low 1080p quality rather than 4k which is needed to define the contrast on the gravel, booking the correct equipment should avoid this issue this year.

The last place I need is a place to location scout will be for the object tracking, but that will require an idea for an object first before I find a suitable place for it.