Using the industrial, run down photos as a reference. I started to draft up ideas for what i wanted to model and track in.
Originally I wanted to design some form of robot and began to draw up concepts for them I took inspiration from Titanfall and S.L.A.I but as i began to sketch out the designs I relalised the amount of work needed to create a robot that not only look the part i wanted it to play but also one that would look like it would work. I then decided to change to the idea of a crash landed drop pod.
I created 3 quick sketches of some form of drop pod.
The first was a collection of floating stones with a gem in the middle, while relatively simple to model, would require some animation and particle effects.
The second was a sci-fi drop pod inspired by Titanfall and Half life’s drop pods. modelling will be more simple and would allow for a lot less confusion as to what it is, and how it got there in the narrative.
The third was a similar narrative to the second but of a more sleek and alien design.
I decided to colour them to get more of an idea of which I would prefer. I decided for the sake of texturing the second would be the most appealing to look at and most visually interesting too. However, after feedback, all 3 could still be plausible.
Update 25th Feb:
After receiving feedback, the middle drop pod was the favourite so I added it to my location scouting photo. While a good track and model are my focus, the extra effects would be good for the aesthetic of the shot and narrative.