Tracked Footage

Here is a full playlist of all the footage I filmed to be tracked.

Backyard Longshots:

This footage was mostly unusable as I was stood too far away from the camera that the tracking markers couldn’t distinguish the dots on it my prop.

Indoor Shots:

This first of these is the shot I ended up using for my object track. the reason is due to the minimal arm movement and a clear vision of the markers on the prop. However, there was no way to track the background allowing me to only rely on the tracking data of the object for the camera.

Backyard Closeups:

The awkward camera angle and heavy movement of the arm made these untrackable. It was also after these shots I realised I needed more tracking markers on the prop itself to be more reliable to tack.

Tunnel Shots:

Exposure was a large problem here as due to poor UI design on the app, I could not find out how to lock the exposure. However, through editing these shot can have around 10 seconds without too much exposure change, allowing for a decent track. Due to the difficulty of getting to the location during poor weather, I was unable to reshoot.

Industrial Shots

Almost all of these shots are trackable due to the high amount of contrast on the ground and the wall. I chose the shot that had the shortest distance traveled and the least amount of motion to get the best track.