Grappling Hook Modelling

Grappling hook conceptBeyWmHM



During the grappling hook model, I knew I wanted to create a robust shape from a cylinder starting point. I set out to have everything attached together under the same model. this quickly became apparent that this would not be possible and I would need to separate the model into 4 parts. The base, the handle, the grappling hook and its launcher.

My second problem was the subdivision model in Maya creating wrinkles at the end of the base and glove. This was solved by adding caps at the end and extruding them smaller.

I then encountered the problem with the grappling hook itself and modelling it to allow for the subdivision to happen was causing a lot of model errors due to the placements of loop cuts. There was no solution I found around this other than trial and error by using the multi-cut tool to get the edges that I wanted.

Overall the only part of the model I am unsure about is the glove for the hand. If anything I will see if it is something that needs to be adjusted when adding it to the camera footage.

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