Drop Pod Modelling

Industrial concept art Compressed4UVZVoX

The drop pod was the first model I created. Unfortunately, I don’t have any footage of its creation.

When I started creating this I rebuilt it from ground up 3 times as I could not match the shape as well as I wanted. and in turn, make the drop pod look like it does in the concept art. On my 3rd attempt, I decided to start with the base cylinder and create a more oval shape from it. Giving it a sleeker modern design. From there I was able to extrude the door in slightly and develop from there. The window and section for the door handle took multiple attempts to create as both of them created unwanted shapes when a subdivision was added. I went back to the hard surface modelling tutorial mentioned in a previous post to see if I could find out why and realised I had been cutting ngon’s into my model. After working with the multi-cut tool and deleting unwanted vertices I was able to achieve the look I desired.

The rocks were created with an addon called ‘Rock Generator’ using an asteroid preset to get more of a rubble look from the start, then adjust the settings until I got the quality I desired. I generated around unique rocks and placed them around the drop pod to create the ground displacement from the crash landing as well as few scattered about the floor to add to the scene.

Although the model isn’t completely similar to what I originally intended from my concept art, it instead became a mixture of the industrial and futuristic concepts I made up and in turn still works within the narrative I wanted to create.